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You know someone who is right (or wrong) for you. You just know it. You feel it. Most of us use logic when making decisions. We also have an internal tool to guide us in life and love … It is called intuition, that gut feeling, learning to command your inner knowing will help you gain confidence and clarity as well as take action in your life.
Know how intuition feels
You experience inner awareness in your dreams, by quieting the mind and by using your true senses, which act as inner compasses to help guide us. Physical signs such as a ‘tightening of the stomach’’, alert you that something has affected you deeply. That’s when you should listen to your inner voice.
Women are especially insightful about emotional clues. When we get overly emotional, it affects our ability to accurately perceive our intuition. After a first sexual encounter, many women already have connected deeply with their partner. Some men sense this, and if commitment is not in their plans, they know that a second horizontal two-step could have serious complications. Some men then move into the ‘Houdini mode’- they disappear. Slow the script and don’t rush into intimacy.
Our brain is like a computer. It stores our thoughts, feelings and emotions .When the brain connects on all levels, our intuition develops. We can train the brain and be more intuitive and aware of what is going on around us and in our heads and hearts. Have you ever noticed right before a car accident, everything seems to slow down and you become aware of all the sights and sounds around you? This is what happens when you operate in pure consciousness. We also operate in pure consciousness when we are engaged in sex.
Learn to trust (not deny) your intuition
Many men and women tell of knowing that something was wrong in their relationship long before there was evidence. Those who trusted that feeling and communicated their concerns early were more likely to fix their problems. When we exercise our intuitive muscle, it gets stronger. When we ignore it, it retreats. Look at your relationship patterns to determine whether you are paying attention to your inner knowing.
our will become more powerful when you ask yourself from the very beginning, “is this person right or wrong for me”? Ask potential partners questions that can be verified such as schools, jobs, addresses. Take the time to connect deeply with your heart and look the person in the eyes and take note of their reaction. The following points as an important part of intuition in building relationships.
Pay attention to warning signs
When dating, note how that person treats those in service position. A woman recently told me about a suitor who constantly argues and insulted waiters. “I knew there were deeper issues and decided not to marry him,” she told me. She followed her inner feelings. Another woman proceeded to date a man she met at a singles bar, even though she knew he was a player. After several months of heartache and encounters with his other women, she ended it. Initially she ignored their intuition, and she paid a price for it. Remember the old adage ‘buyer beware”. If something or someone sounds or looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Strengthen your intuition
Clearing the chaos-fears, worries and emotional hurts out of your mind is important in developing intuition. As one of my spiritual teachers told me, “We must be present within our presence at all times.” Operating in a higher consciousness will allow you to believe that you are being divinely guided in all areas of your life.
Strengthening you intuition is another way of learning more about yourself. Turn off the computer, cell phone and television; write down your deepest life dreams and desires for a partner. Experience with all your senses what your life will feel like with that relationship. Inner awareness is connected with our imaging and dreaming self. Let it be known that you are listening. Change comes from within.
The ability to receive and give love is one of God’s greatest gifts. Strengthening our intuitive muscle will make it easier to create the right relationships with the right partner at the right time

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